Welcome to Nature Ensemble
Created in 2008, Nature Ensemble is a structure aiming to develop imagination and creativity, to increase people awareness of environment, to create a sense of community in society, to find or to find again the link with nature with a process of sustainable development. The sustainable development being, according to the definition to draw up by the Brundtland report: “a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs a development”.
Nature Ensemble’s objectives:
- The development of imagination and creativity to feel and to discover or discover again the connection with nature
- To increase people awareness of environment for to make understand the need of nature protection and the responsibility of our individual and collective actions
- The well-being, the valuation of the participants
- A process of solidarity
Through services of nature walks, workshops and courses of various duration and which have the distinctive feature to connect various thematic and activities and to address to numerous publics.
The services take place within the framework of the raising of environment awareness by including the arts, the culture as well as the practice of various foreign languages.
It’s sad to think that Nature is talking and that human beings are not listening.